The 20 year-old Global Geoparks Network's regional member, the European Geoparks, commemorate the geological heritage of our old continent every year at the end of spring and beginning of summer. Between May 18 and June 2, 2024, the Ipolytarnóc Fossils, which were declared protected 80 years ago, will join them. But there will also be interesting programs in the heart of the Palóc Geopark, in Hollókő and Szentkút.
The Slovak-Hungarian, transnational Novohrad-Nógrád UNESCO Global Geopark celebrates its geological and cultural heritage and traditions with many interesting programs. Its gateway is our Miocene Park, where traces of former seas and volcanic disasters can be seen during tours led by experts from the Bükki National Park Directorate. In addition to the dynamic life of our earth and climate changes, participants can also learn about the latest paleontological discoveries of the Prehistoric Pompeii on the geological trail. But in honor of the European Geoparks Week, the area also organizes other special thematic programs that are worth participating in. At Pentecost, thinking of families with children, in addition to treasure hunts, face painting and crafts, woodcarving, the Site also holds a local fair. There will also be giant pancakes, millinery cakes and paloc gulash for diners at the Lombkorona café.
On May 25 at 11:45 a.m., on the Miocene World themed tour starting from the reception building, participants will dive into the past from the Bükkábrány trees of Lake Pannon, through the volcanic disaster, to the sharks of the ancient sea, experiencing the trials of old climate changes. Only those who have pre-registered can participate in the thematic tour (HUF 3,000/person), the intention to participate can be indicated in a letter received by May 24 to the email address ipolytarnoc@osmaradvanyok.hu.
On June 1, two special programs will be held at the Fossils. In addition to the shark pond of the Lombkorona café, pancakes and millinery cakes will be baked, but they also offer pot goulash and local garlic bread.
That's when the county children's hunting day will take place in the kingdom of primitive creatures: in addition to nature and hunting lectures, skill competitions, dog shows, archery and handicrafts, there will also be a bouncy castle to release the energy of the little ones. The detailed poster of the invitation can be downloaded here..
The guided program comes back to the reception building, where a film about volcanism will be introduced. The tour itself, which lasts 2 hours, is a 2.3 km long, easy cross-country walk, for which, due to the limited number of people, is worth registering in advance, in writing until May 30 to the email address of the ipolytarnoc@osmaradvanyok.hu.
Our National Shrine of Szentkút is among the key spiritual partners of the Geopark. The geological past also contributed to the spiritual radiance of the area, it is no wonder that the established educational trails there also cover that fact.
Hermitages carved into 15 Million-year-old shallow sea sediments (kalkarenite), special geological formations and fresh water springs, the educational trail that explains the natural assets in a chain, connected with the Franciscan values, can give a special experience to get to know the unique environment of the shrine. A playful smartphone application, called Digitális Vándor is available for personal discoveries there, it is worth to install it.
The Ancient Village of Hollókő is part of the World Heritage, no wonder, it lies in the heart of the Geopark. As a partner of our Geopark, the Site is a true caretaker of our Palóc heritage, It is preparing several programs for the Geopark Week's Pentecost whirlwind. On May 19, Pentecost Sunday, it will be worthwhile to walk the streets of the village, in connection with a colorful folk costume program, not just any sight can make women's and men's hearts beat faster, just look at the picture below.
And on May 20, Castle Games will be held to capture the Hollókő Castle towering over the Ancient Village. It is worth taking part in it, the Hungarians have had little experience of success recently. But caution is important, and not just because of the gunpowder air. The Castle Hill is an andesite dike, a root zone of an extinct volcano! (Its nature trail was created by the Bükk National Park Directorate.)
On May 28, in Baglyaskő visitor center, a large-scale study competition on the values of the geopark will be held for students from Slovak and Hungarian elementary schools.
But it is also worth looking beyond the boundaries of our geopark, as a special series of programs and competitions related to our geological heritage and the living planet have started in the collaboration of UNESCO Global Geoparks, so take part and join them.
The celebration of the memory of our old continent and geoparks is also held in the other two UNESCO Global Geoparks of our country, the Bakony-Balaton and the Bükk-region Geoparks, it is worth visiting their website.