The Ipolytarnoc Fossils joins to the European Geoparks Week's activity, which takes place at late May early June each year. It is a European – wide festival of the Geoparks aimed at raising public awareness of geoconservation and promotion of the geoheritage of our old continent. Due to the pandemic restrictions only outdoor programs will be available to the visitors this year.
The geological heritage of the Novohrad-Nograd UNESCO Global Geopark will be interpreted at its main gateway, the Ipolytarnoc Fossils, where guided tours and interactive exhibitions educate and entertain the visitors.
The Volcano Day is held on June 1 all around the EGN, including our Site.
The main event during the Volcano Day is usually the indoor interactive Volcano show, after the pandemic we will introduce it again!
Rhyolite tuff above rhinoceros footprints at the geological trail
Instead of this indoor event a 2 hour-long thematic guided tour starting from the visitor centre at 11 A.M. will commemorate the volcanism of the Carpathian-basin.